
The current version of can be installed using Conda with:

conda install -c conda-forge mesas

This will install any additional dependencies at the same time.

Alternatively, the code can be obtained from GitHub: Note that a fortran compiler is required to build from source (but is not required to install through Conda).

Clone the git repo and open a command prompt in the mesas directory (where the file sits). Make and install with:

python install

Build from source

Building MESAS from source is a two step process: (1) compile the cdflib90 Fortran source code, and (2) install the mesas python package.

Compile cdflib90

To compile the cdflib90 source code (located under mesas/sas/cdflib90/) you will need a Fortran compiler and cmake. Both of which can be installed through conda,

$ conda install fortran-compiler cmake -c conda-forge

To compile cdflib90,

  • create a build directory into which library and module files will be placed

  • run cmake to setup the build folder

  • run cmake to compile the code

$ mkdir mesas/sas/cdflib90/_build
$ cmake -S mesas/sas/cdflib90 -B mesas/sas/cdflib90/_build
$ cmake --build mesas/sas/cdflib90/_build


The location of the build folder (mesas/sas/cdflib90/_build/) is important. The location of this folder MUST match the value that is in

Build and install mesas

With cdflib90 built, mesas can be pip-installed in the usual way,

$ pip install -e .